The Hourglass

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The Hourglass
An hourglass half buried in the earth.
Location 267, 64, 1457
Administrators TheValliant
Transit service Boat Travel

The Hourglass is made up of three major pieces, each spreading from x=202, z=1392 to x=331, z=1521 at their broadest points:

  • The Funnel, from y=65 to y=128, forming the upper half of the hourglass. The Funnel is comprised of an inverted hollow glass pyramid reaching from sea level to the top of the world. (Cuurently under construction.)
  • The ground, at sea level, is comprised of four 64x64 sections, each themed as one of the four seasons: (Currently under construction.)
    • Spring, with Sugarcane and animal husbandry/harvesting predominating.
    • Summer, a scorched wasteland of sand and lava.
    • Fall, Trees and wheat grow here.
    • Winter, a frozen land, with snow banks and igloos.
  • The Tomb, From y=1 to y=64, forming the lower half of the hourglass. The Tomb is a negative space pyramid hollowed from the earth, brilliantly lit and traveled by floating minecar tracks from Grand Central Station less than half a kilometer to the south. (Currently under construction.)